
Customer Service Analytics

Customer service analytic Redfield


Customer interactions with your company become more complicated: direct messages in chats, support tickets, emails or social media, purchases and re-purchases, survey results. People expect from businesses not only a high-level service and fast processing of their requests, but also that you will predict their potential needs and offer appropriate solutions. Building loyalty with your potential customers might be a challenge as 32% of customers would stop doing business with your brand after only one bad experience. The cost of negligence is too high, to be ignored, as unhappy customers are likely to share their thoughts on your business with 15 people or more.  


With detailed analytics you will be able not only to see the problems that your customers face most often, but also to predict their behavior and scale up your business without losing the quality of customer service. Maintaining high standards of customer service means that you build a strong brand and create its loyal ambassadors who will spread the word about your company, bring you more customers and ensure your growth.

why Redfield

Why Redfield

At Redfield, experts provide collecting and analyzing the unstructured data from your customer service team, and transforming it into actionable insights that will highlight weak points to be eliminated. Our expertise in various fields helps us deliver detailed and easy to grasp reports that will give your team a clear understanding of how to adjust the strategy and achieve outstanding results. .


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